Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Health Insurance Penalty and What it Means for Employers

Health Insurance Penalty and What it Means for EmployersHealth Insurance Penalty and What it Means for EmployersHealth Insurance Penalty and What it Means for Employers Berkowitz, Esq.After months of debate, weeks of political wrangling and a dramatic last-minute flurry of activity, the country now has a new law pledging wide-spread health care reform.Widely praised or condemned depending on party lines, there is no doubt that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act means big changes for health care providers, insurers, drug manufacturers, the uninsured, employees, small businesses and large employers. In other words everyone.Trying to make sense of all 2,400 pages of the bill can be daunting.This is particularly true for employers, who will likely need to begin to respond by auditing their workplace and revising their policy changes.So, what does an employer need to know about complying with the law?The health care bill requires nearly all Americans to obtain health insurance . The law expects that most workers will get that coverage through their employers and has created a system of subsidies and penalties to make this possible.If youre an employer, the size of your workforce is significant, as the law has different requirements depending on the number of employeesthat your business employs.The major aspectsof the health care bill as it relates to business are described belowWhat is a small business?Under the Act, a small business is notlage specifically defined, but a number of sections of the law apply only to entities with fewer than 25 employees (for more detail see below.) However, under some sections of the law, the effective company size is 50 or 100 employees.What are insurance exchanges?Beginning in 2014, health insurance will be available to individuals and small businesses through state-run exchanges. behauptung will require insurance companies to compete for business in the marketplace. The objective is to make it it easier for individuals and small businesses to obtain health insurance at a lower price.The exchange program for small businesses, known as the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP),will allow small businesses to pool together to increase their purchasing power. This will allow these businesses to offer health insurance to their employees at rates similar to those available to large corporations.SHOP is available to small businesses with up to 100 employees, although states have the option to limit participation to businesses with 50 employees or less until 2016.If a business participating in SHOP grows to over 100 employees, it may continue to take advantage of the program.Beginning in 2017, states may opt to allow businesses with more than 100 employees to participate in SHOP as well.The exchange program is also important because larger employers may be penalized if some of their employees opt to obtain insurance through an exchange and not through the companys insurance plan (for more detail see below.)Are employers required to provide health insurance to their employees?Businesses with fewer than 50 employees are exempt from having to provide health insurance.However, as explained above, such smaller employers may opt to offer health insurance at a reasonable cost by participating in a SHOP exchange.Larger businesses are subject to a number of requirements and potential penalties, depending on the number of employees they have and the type of coverage they provideAutomatic enrollment Employers with more than 200 employees are required to enroll new employees in their health care plan, subject to any waiting period.Employers must provide notice of employees right to opt out of automatic enrollment.Notice of coverage options Employers must give employees notice about the availability of an insurance exchange.Penalty for not providing insurance Employers with over 50 employees that do not provide insurance must pay a penalty of $2,000 for every employee in the company if eve n one employee opts to obtain insurance through an exchange. However, the first 30 employees are not counted in calculation of the penalty.Example an employer with 75 employees would pay the penalty for 45 workers, or $90,000 (45 x $2.000).Penalty for providing insurance that is too expensive Employers with more than 50 employees that do provide insurance must pay a penalty if any of their employees obtain a subsidy to help pay for insurance.The penalty equals $3,000 per worker who uses the subsidy OR $750 for every employee at the company, whichever is less.Is there help for small businesses to provide insurance for their workers?From 2010 through 2013, businesses with fewer than 25 employees and average annual wages of $40,000 or less may be eligible for a tax credit of up to 35% if they pay for at least 50% of their employees health insurance costs.Beginning in 2014, small businesses that purchase health insurance for their employees through SHOP can receive a two-year small busi ness tax credit of up to 50% of the cost of the premiums.While small businesses are not required to obtain insurance for their employees through the exchanges, the available tax credits will likely spur many smaller employers to purchase coverage for their workforce.What special rules cover employers with fewer than ten employees?Tax credits are available for small businesses on a sliding scale depending on the number of employees and average annual wages.Businesses with 10 or fewer employees and average annual wages of $20,000 or less are eligible for the full 35% credit between 2010 and 2013 and then a 50% tax credit beginning in 2014.What is the reconciliation bill?As if the law itself werent complicated enough, the Act could not become fully effective until the Senate also passed a second bill which reconciled its version of the law with the version passed by the House. The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, H.R. 4872, makes various technical changes to the law as ori ginally passed by the Senate.For example, it amends the size of certain employer penalties for failing to provide affordable health insurance.The complexity of the Act will likely lead to the need for additional answers about how various sections of the law will be implemented over the coming weeks and months.will continue to report on changes or clarifications to the law as they become available.None of the information provided herein constitutes legal advice on behalf of Monster.

Friday, December 27, 2019

The Importance of Documentation in Human Resources

The Importance of Documentation in Human ResourcesThe Importance of Documentation in Human ResourcesDocumentation is the written and retained record of employment events. These records are made up of government and legally mandated elements, documents required by company policy and practice, documents suggested by best menschenfreundlich resources practices, and gestaltal and informal record keeping about employment events. Documentation About an Employment Record An employees record of documentation is a written account of his or her actions, discussions, performance coaching incidents, witnessed policy violations, disciplinary action, positive contributions, reward and recognition, investigations, failure to accomplish requirements and goals, performance evaluation, and more. Maintaining ansicht records allows the employer and employee to preserve a written history of the happenings and discussions that occurred around a specific event. Documentation of the employment relations hip provides a written record that may be necessary to support such actions as employee promotion, employee pay raises and disciplinary action- including employment termination. Documentation about employees, when necessary, is generally both positive and negative. It is factual, bedrngnis judgmental. It describes events as they occur, not based on the beholders opinions and thoughts about the event. The documentation also describes the actions that were taken in notable instances such as providing formal employee recognition or taking disciplinary action. Remember, you need to create documentation as close to when the incident occurs as possible so that records are timely, detailed and accurate. In a legal proceeding, documentation about an employees past performance is often critical to the outcome the employer experiences from the event. Putting forth a fair picture of the employees performance without focusing purely on the negative happenings is the goal. Types of Documentat ion Policies, procedures, the employee handbook, and performance development plans are also forms of documentation that record expected employee behavior and workplace requirements to maintain an orderly, fair workplace in which employees know what is expected from them. Records are also the written statements of the accused, the accuser and witnesses to hostile workplace events that involve employee misconduct such as sexual harassment. This documentation also includes permanent records such as the signed employment application, written employment references, application materials such as resumes and cover letters, and background checks. Kept aside from the employee personnel file, other paperwork such as the I-9 form (that verifies the employees eligibility to work in the U.S.)is also maintained, as are medical records, FMLA records and so forth. Documentation may also be informal as in a managers record of his or her discussions with an employee over the course of a year. It is important that managers maintain this documentation on all of their reporting staff members. No employee should be singled out because of performance. This could be construed as discrimination at a later date. Documentation may be formal and retained in the employees personnel file. Employees are expected to sign this documentation to acknowledge they have received a copy, and have reviewed the contents in their entirety. Note The signature does not signify agreement with the statements in the documentation. Use of Documentation Documentation of critical incidents, whether positive or negative, is also recommended so that managers have a record of employee performance spanning a period of time. Organizations can use the documentation they keep in other ways. These may include procedures, work instructions, and computer software instructions to name a few, but for purposes of the human resources function, these are the common uses of documentation. The next section outlines instr uctions about how to document appropriately. Performance Documentation Samples Documentation about an employees performance will allow you to discipline, terminate, or fairly promote, reward, and recognize employees. Without documentation, making a case for any of these actions is difficult, and potentially risky for the employer. The employer must avoid any potential accusation about discriminatory treatment of employees. All legalities aside, good employers want to create a work environment that is fair, consistent and supportive of employee goals and career plans. This environment is supported by the managers professional documentation of employee performance- both laudatory behavior and actions in need of correction or improvement. How to document these was discussed earlier in detail. The following situations give you more examples of appropriate documentation. Documenting Lateness and Absenteeism Wrong Mark is usually late for work. Mark misses too much work. Right Apr il 1 Mark called in sick and missed eight hours of work. April 4 Mark arrived at work at 10 a.m., two hours late from his scheduled start time. April 6 Mark scheduled a doctors appointment and then, stayed home to have a new furnace installed. April 12 Mark called in sick and missed eight hours of work. Documenting Performance Wrong Mary is unreliable. She hardly ever does what she committed to do. Right May 2 Mary promised the first draft of the product proposal would be available for review at todays weekly meeting. Mary did not produce a draft document as expected. Said she had been too busy and the people whose help she needed hadnt gotten back with her. Manager responded What help had you needed? Information?Who has not gotten backtoyou and what did you need from them? Carl and Michael needed to update Mary about their progress. What is making you so busy that you didnt have time to follow through on your commitment? Makes too many commitments with limited hours to fulfill them. What can I do to help you? When will you make the draft document available for review? These samples provide an overview of what effective documentation looks like versus documentation that is written incorrectly. Follow this advice to effectively and legally document policies, performance, and events in your workplace. Disclaimer The information provided, while authoritative, is not guaranteed for accuracy and legality. The site is read by a world-wide audience andemployment lawsand regulations vary from state to state and country to country. Please seek legal assistance, or assistance from state, federal or international governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct for your location. This information is for guidance, ideas, and assistance.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The OODA loop how the greatest military strategists make decisions in the face of uncertainty

The OODA loop how the greatest military strategists make decisions in the face of uncertaintyThe OODA loop how the greatest military strategists make decisions in the face of uncertaintyAfter nearly 50 years of service, the F-15 Eagle- a formidable military jet fighter- has never been shut down in air combat, holding an undefeated record of 104 wins and zero losses.1However, prior to its introduction, United States Air Force jet fighters struggled in air-to-air combat during the Vietnam War, jet fighters scored dismal loss ratios of 11.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIn the winter of 1952, a young prodigious Air Force fighter pilot, named John Boyd, was assigned to fly one of the earliest jet fighters in history- the F-86 Sabre- during the Korean war.2As the high-speed dog fight commenced in the skies of Korea, the F-86 Sabre faced the impossible task of defeating the Soviet Mi G-15- a superior aircraft with faster maximum speed, heavier firepower and narrower turn radius.But by the end of the war, the F-86 pilots shot down 792 MiGs and schwefelyperit only 78 Sabres, recording a victory to loss ratio of 101.3Whilst the Air Force celebrated the victory, John Boyd racked his brain to solve a puzzling question Why did the F-86 jet fighter score such a high victory ratio against a superior opponent?In order to solve this problem, Boyd studied, analyzed and combined ideas from psychology, biology, physics and theories from the greatest military strategists of all-time, including Sun Tzu, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Carl von Clausewitz, Ulysses S. Grant, Eric Ludendorff and Erwin Rommel.During his search for answers, Boyd made remarkable discoveries that would not only change the Art of War, but also revolutionize postmodern strategy.The most important of these is called the OODA loop a simple model for optimal decision-making and innovation in the face of uncertain ty.The Genesis of the OODA LoopWhat Is the Aim or Purpose of Strategy? To improve ur ability to shape and adapt to unfolding circumstances, so that we (as individuals or as groups or as a culture or as a nation-state) can survive on our own terms.- John BoydIn 1962, Boyd was posted to the Eglin Air Force cousine in Florida, and as luck would have it, he had access to expensive computer time to conduct research into solving the puzzle of the F-86 Sabres extraordinary success.After several months of discreetly conducting millions of calculations, Boyd finally solved the puzzle.By applying insights from thermodynamics, Boyd discovered that air-to-air combat could be explained in terms of energy relationships. He encapsulated his ideas as the Energy-Maneuverability theory, or E-M theory.Boyds EM theory proved that the F-86 success in Korea had little to do with differences in pilot skills or luck. Rather, it was a by-product of agility- the aircraft could transition from one maneuver to another faster than the Soviets MiG-15.This breakthrough idea would later lead to the creation of the undefeated F-15 Eagle, and subsequent jet fighters that continue to dominate air combat today.Most importantly, Boyds EM theory paved the way for the OODA Loop.4Credit Science, Strategy and War The Strategic Theory of John Boyd.OODA stands for Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action.In the bookScience, Strategy and War The Strategic Theory of John Boyd, each one of these elements is briefly explained as follows (in-depth explanations will be revealed shortly)Observationis sensing yourself and the world around you.Orientationis your belief system its the complex set of filters of genetic heritage, cultural predispositions, personal experience, and knowledge.Decisionis a review of alternative courses of action and the selection of the preferred course as a hypothesis to be tested.Actionis the testing of decision selected by implementation.The idea of a loop, highlights the importa nce of repeating the OODA cycle indefinitely.Contrary to popularized interpretations, the OODA loop is not so much a decision-making tool, as it is a mental model for individual and organizational learning and adaptation.Boyd elaborates on this in his presentation,The Conceptual SpiralSince survival and growth are directly connected with the uncertain, ever-changing, unpredictable world of winning and losing we will exploit this whirling (conceptual) spiral of orientation, mismatches, analysis/synthesis, reorientation, mismatches, analysis/synthesis so that we can comprehend, cope with, and shape, as well as be shaped by that world and the novelty that arises out of it.Why is the OODA loop so important?More so than any other period in history, the world is gripped with extreme levels of uncertainty, confusion and disruptionthe future of work is threatened by artificial intelligenceand legacy organizations are dying off.As a case in point, in 1965, the average tenure of companies on the SP 500 was 33 years. By 1990, it was 20 years and by 2026, this number is predicted to shrink to 14 years (in the past 5 years alone iconic companies like Yahoo, Alcao and Dell Computer have been displaced from the SP list).5The OODA loop is a powerful tool that helps individuals and organizations to embrace uncertainty and quickly adapt to environmental changes, ensuring survival and growth.Lets dive into the mechanics of OODA loop to uncover how it can be used for better decision-making.The OODA Loop ExplainedKnowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty.- Jacob BronowskiOn 28 June 1995, two years prior to his death, Boyd finished the last addition to hisDiscourse on Winning Losing,and revealed a much more in-depth and comprehensive model of the OODA loop.Comprehensive OODA loop.Within the context of an organization- any organized group of people with a particular purpose- observation involves paying close attention to changes, or lack of change, within the o rganization, among competitors and the environment.Observation however, is not sufficient to survive and grow within a complex, ever-changing world.According to Boyds OODA loop, we need to properly orient ourselves to make optimal decisions and take effective action.In other words, the quicker and more accurately we can develop mental images ormental modelsto make sense of environmental changes- through analyzing and synthesizing our observations- the greater our odds of success.For this reason, the orientation phase is the most important part of the OODA loop its where creativity and innovation occurs.Its also the phase of the OODA loop where the majority of the population fall short, because it requires the ability to rapidly change beliefs in lockstep with a fast changing and chaotic environment.Most of us are unwilling toquestion our assumptions and deeply held beliefs, so we orient poorly and fall prey to highly creative people who have already adapted to, and disrupted our env ironment.The decision phase of the OODA loop involves a discussion amongst key decision-makers within an organization to take action on one of the alternatives generated during the orientation phase.Finally, the action phase according to Boyd, should be rapid, surprising, ambiguous, menacing and varied.This alters the tempo and psychological dynamics, which throws the opponent into a state of confusion, diminishes their capacity to adapt to the new environment and leads to their defeat.The decision and action phases both send feedback to the OODA loop as a check on the adequacy of existing orientation patterns.This entire process is repeated indefinitely.Now heres the catch its not the person who runs through the OODA loop the fastest who wins. Its the person who does soefficiently.So what are the key ingredients to completing the OODA loop efficiently?The Key to Making the OODA Loop WorkThere is no such thing as a logical method of having new ideas. Discovery contains an irrational element or a creative intuition.- Karl PopperAccording to Boyd, there are four key attributes based on the Blitzkrieg used in the Second World War- a German term used to describe a quick military tactic designed to dismantle enemy forces through the use of mobile forces- that are required to make the OODA loop work efficiently within any organization.These are1. EinheitMutual Trust2. FingerspitzengefhlIntuitive Skill3. SchwerpunktFocus and Direction4. AuftragstaktikMissionEinheit represents the strong bond and trust built through shared values and experiences of overcoming adversity.Fingerspitzengefhl represents an intuitive knowledge and skill set developed through the incessant practice of a particular activity.It enables us to adapt quicker through the OODA loop, because the orientation and decide phase take much less time than otherwise.Schwerpunkt represents the focus and direction of our efforts.Its the orientation phase of the OODA loop, as it shapes the way we observe, dec ide and act on the environment.Auftragstaktik is the joint mission of the entire organization or group. It builds upon, and requires Einheit (mutual trust), flexibility, initiative and freedom of action across all levels.The combination of these four attributes creates a highly innovative and agile organization that is much quicker to adapt to rapidly changing environments than competitors.Such an organization incorporates variety, creativity, flexibility, diversity and learning communities.If one function of the organization is disrupted by an environmental shock i.e. a cyber attack, another part of the network quickly responds and preserves the entire organization.Freedom of activity ensures that small teams within the organization operate autonomously, pursue entrepreneurial opportunities and share knowledge among themselves.Unlike the traditional top-down management style used by the less agile competitors, this organization incorporates loose-tight control the shared values of the corporate culture provide tight control, and mutual trust between managers and employees liberates them to discover new opportunities, learn and innovate.Successful leaders within this organization foster an environment of experimentation, mistakes and uncertainty, giving room for rapid adaptation.In fact, the best leaders lead by not leading.Boyds premise for this is simple since the world is fundamentally complex and uncertain, organizational change is non-linear. And so, conventional linear practices like fixed policies and one-size-fits-all strategies, lead to stagnation and extinction.Conversely, letting go of control and focusing on enhancing the network of relationships, permits the organization to adopt a large family of strategies, innovate and survive.6Ultimately, the efficiency of the OODA loop is driven by a combination of trust, intuition, direction and mission.Adapt or DieOnce you stop learning, you start dying.- Albert EinsteinThe breakthrough discovery of the OO DA loop solved John Boyds head-scratching puzzle of the F-86 Sabres miraculous victory during the Korean war.But more importantly, the OODA loop synthesizes the core ideas of the greatest military strategists, to explain why winners win and losers lose in the face of inevitable uncertainty.It enables usto comprehend, shape, adapt to, and in turn be shaped by an ever-changing, uncertain and complex environment that creates mismatches and new opportunities.At the core of Boyds OODA loop is the idea of Darwinian natural selection, which suggests that the environment selects based on the ability or inability to interact and adapt to exigencies of environment.8Likewise, todays highly uncertain and complex environment will select the individuals and organizations who swiftly change their beliefs or Orient themselves to adapt to the new conditions of the environment.And those who refuse to adapt will become extinct.Or put more simply by John BoydWhoever can handle the quickest rate of chan ge is the one who survives.8A version of this article originally appeared at mayooshin.com as The OODA Loop How the Greatest Military Strategists Make Decisions in the Face of UncertaintyMayo Oshin writes at MayoOshin.Com, where he shares the best practical ideas based on proven science and the habits of highly successful people for stress-free productivity and improved mental performance. To get these strategies to stop procrastinating, get more things by doing less and improve your focus, join his free weekly newsletter.FOOTNOTES1.F-15 Eagle Engaged The worlds most successful jet fighter (General Aviation).2.Boyd The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War.3. Thompson and McLaren 2002.4. In his essay Destruction Creation, Boyd provides a philosophical foundation for his OODA Loop by combining Gdels Incompleteness Theorem, Heisenbergs Uncertainty principle, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.5.Corporate Longevity Turbulence Ahead for Large Organizations.Innosight. N.p., n.d. We b. 02 Aug. 2017.6. Roger Lewin and Birute Regine, An Organic Approach to Management, Perspective on Business Innovation, Cap Gemini Ernst young Journal, Issue 4, pp. 19-26.7.Organic Design for Command and Control (version dated May 1987).8. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Job Search Etiquette An Employer Hasnt Called Back

Job Search Etiquette An Employer Hasnt Called BackJob Search Etiquette An Employer Hasnt Called BackStop us if this seems a touch too familiar You show up at an bewerbungsgesprch for the job of your dreams, dressed to the nines and prepared with plenty of research and background knowledge on your kompetenzprofil employer. You answer all the tough questions with ease and impress with your insightful and engaging counter questions. Your new potential employer seems impressed and you walk away with confidence, knowing that you nailed the interview. You send your follow-up thank you emails and settle in, knowing a job offer is right around the corner.So when the hours, days and even weeks begin to roll by with no response, you start to wonder what went wrong or what could be the holdup. Before you devolve into a full-scale panic when a potential employer doesnt call back, there are a few things you might want to consider.Reasons (Other Than Disaster) That You May Not Be Getting that Call BackJob searching is an anxiety-inducing process in the best of times, so it only makes sense that a delay in that callback would have you fearing the worst. The truth of the matter is, however, that there are many fairly mundane reasons your phone may not be buzzing just yet. The interview and hiring process often takes a great deal of time. Coordinating varying schedules with a variety of players, all whom still have regular jobs to see to, can take much longer than that 30-minute interview. This is especially the case when interviewing for a newly created position which may require additional planning steps. Depending on the time of year youre interviewing, expect some delays due to vacations and family commitments such as back to school and holidays. In some cases, there may be behind the scenes discussions regarding your candidacy. Salary requirements, staffing, job duties or multiple qualified applicants can all create time-consuming dilemmas for hiring managers. Try to have patience and remember that while the initial interview set-up may have seemed to run like a machine, the menschenfreundlich factor of making the final decision is the longest part of the process. The above advice and reasoning may make logical sense but is of little comfort to antsy interviewees waiting for that callback. Just because you havent heard back quite yet, however, doesnt mean you need to sit on your hands waiting for a reply. There are several perfectly acceptable steps candidates can take in order to get the low-down on their application progression. Follow-Up Call or EmailIf its been some time since your interview and theres been radio silence it may be the perfect opportunity for a well-crafted email or brief telephone message to the interviewer or initial hiring manager contact. In most cases people in these roles will be more than understanding of a quick check in that reiterates your interest in the position and inquires about the timing of any decision. Its import ant to keep these emails short and relevant, perhaps by referencing a point from your interview or with an understanding I recall you mentioned the process was just getting started. Follow up emails also help by keeping your name fresh in the hiring contacts mind and can demonstrate important and valuable skills such as follow through and attention to detail.Timing is CriticalWhen sending a follow-up email, its important to keep note of timing. An email sent too soon after your interview can come off as anxious of off-putting. Similarly, waiting until months after can make it appear that you werent really all that interested in the position. Wait a week to ten days after an interview before checking in re status of any decision. This gives the company time to check references and interview other candidates but isnt so long as to seem awkward.Dont Lose Hope (or Burn Your Bridges)Whatever you do, dont lose hope if its been some time since youve heard back after a successful interview. Keep a calm head and continue performing your current job or researching prospects in your career field. Whatever you do, keep your cool when contacting or interacting with your prospective employer and maintain your professionalism with any current positions. Burning your bridges in either arena may cause you to lose out on not only the current job opening but future opportunities as well.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Washington DC Unemployment Rate

Washington DC Unemployment RateWashington DC Unemployment RateWashington DC Unemployment RateAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Washington, D.C.s unemployment rate averaged about 7.6 percent in 2014. The Districts unemployment rate remained significantly higher than the national rate of 5.6 percent for 2014. Unemployment in Washington, D.C. also exceeded that of most major Eastern cities, including the New York City unemployment rateof 6.4 percent.In December of 2014, the BLS reported an unemployment rate of 7.7 percent for Washington, D.C.Washington, D.C. Unemployment, Post-RecessionThe recession of 2008 hit Washington, D.C. hard. Prior to that year, the Districts unemployment rate remained consistently at about 5.5 percent, only slightly higher than the national average of 4.5 percent.Once the recession hit, Washington, D.C. saw a violent spike in unemployment, but stayed on par with the employment trends for the U.S. as a whole. At their peak, the Districts unemplo yment rates hit 10.4 percent in November of 2009, which was fairly comparable to the US unemployment rate of 9.9 percent at the time.Although Washington, D.C.s unemployment rates mirrored national trends early on in the recession, the city felt the effects of the economic downturn much longer than the rest of the country.For example, while U.S. unemployment rates began to decline steadily in early 2011, Washington D.C. unemployment rates hit another peak of 10.4 percent in August of 2011. After that, the citys unemployment rates began dropping.However, while the unemployment rates of most cities have nearly returned to pre-recession levels, Washington, D.C. still has a ways to go. As of December 2014, the unemployment rate is almost 2 percent higher than it was in the District in 2007.The Role of Local IndustriesThe government sector plays a prominent role in Washington, D.C.s economy this sector was largely unscathed by the recession of 2008. The government employed 234,800 Washing tonians in 2014, 62 percent of the Districts total labor force.After several months of negative employment growth last year, Washington, D.C.s government sector finished 2014 with a December growth rate of 0.6 percent. The sectors modest growth rate in 2014 is the result of cutbacks at the state level, tempering the benefits of expanded federal employment.On the down side, several lagging economic sectors in the District have hurt its employment prospects. The manufacturing sector showed the largest decline in employment in 2014, dropping by 22.2 percent from December of 2013 to December of 2014. However, manufacturing accounts for only 0.2 percent of Washington, D.C. jobs, so the overall impact is minimal.Additionally, the financial sector showed no growth in employment in December of 2014. As with manufacturing, it accounts for only a small percentage of jobs in the District.In the future, job growth in several expanding sectors will help reduce unemployment in the region. The con struction sector can expect a boost from major development projects and prolific homebuilding in the areas suburbs. The construction sectors 2014 employment growth rates already reflect this trend the number of construction jobs grew by 5.8 percent.The current tech boom has been a plus for Washington, D.C.s information and professional and business services sectors. This trend began in the last few years and is expected to continue. The expansion of the federal government has steadily increased the demand for tech and information-related services. In 2014, the information sector experienced employment growth of 1.4 percent, while the professional and business services sector grew by 3.2 percent.A key measure of labor supply, the unemployment rate is defined as the percentage of the total labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment and willing to work. Use the links below to see unemployment trends from the 28 major metropolitan marketsAtlantaDetroitNew York CityS an FranciscoBostonHoustonPhiladelphiaSeattleChicagoLos AngelesPittsburghWashington, D.C.DallasRelated ResourcesPost a Job Washington, D.C.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Find Out Whos Worried About Cv Resume Example and Why You Should be Listening to Them

Find Out Whos Worried About Cv Resume Example and Why You Should be Listening to Them Rumors, Deception and Cv Resume Example Just like the rest of the headings, it will probably be truncateda brief collection of courses by title, in place of a term-by-term record of certain teaching assignments. 1 page resume formats are in the vogue and therefore underline the significance of keeping resumes short and easy. Lets start with a um ein haar overview of resumes, because they are more familiar to the majority of American writers than CVs. When theres a frequent acronym or abbreviation for a term in your industry, be certain to spell it out at least one time in your resume, in the event the individual reading your resume isnt familiarized with the abbreviation. Details of Cv Resume Example In the USA and Canada, theres a difference between a CV and a resume. By way of example, date of birth, marital status, and citizenship information could be expected on a global curriculum vit ae, but arent included in the usa. Among the considerable differences which you will come across is that some EU employers wish to observe photographs on your CV. In america, the primary difference between a CV and a resume is the intention behind the documents. You must consider that companies are very picky in regards to the college or university that accountants graduated in. There are lots of fields of accounting and it is all up to you to pick which one that you wish to take on as a career. Try out consulting accounting professionals and teachers that are knowledgeable about the topic. Accounting or accountancy is among the fruchtwein promising varieties of profession today. The Downside Risk of Cv Resume Example Dont forget showing that you already acquainted with the role for the specific market and tell your ability which will enable you to and the enterprise to thrive. A better approach to showcase your skills is to create an attempt to discover clever tactics to add them in the experience bullet points. If you are not certain, its worth your time to get hold of the agency and ask which would be most suitable for the position. Consider server resume template for a system, which you might logically creates as a way to goal a specific job and to receive ones heart of the business. In different parts of the Earth, the expression CV keeps its American meaning. Your name and address on top will obviously remain. The website offers you a selection of values for trading at an automobile and promoting it by owner anyplace. Instead, youve got to focus on finding keywords youll truly be in a place to rank for, which will drive targeted visitors to your website. The Lost Secret of Cv Resume Example Make an all-inclusive collection of the info youll need to include, and use it in order to compile your CV. You may also have to include specific details. You might have to collect a lot more information before youre all platzset to set certain tar gets. Important information is called out and simple to find. Understanding Cv Resume Example Even if your information is in bullet format, it may still be tough to quickly recognize the pertinent abilities and accomplishments which are important to the possible employer. Learning sight words is a critical field of the reading practice. In some instances, you may use your American resume with hardly any alterations. Cv Resume Example Features Besides the four graduate school resume and CV samples above, there are plenty of resume samples it is possible to access for free internet. You may find yourself with two pages if you include all the suggested additional details. If you get a personal site, published writing samples, or a web-based portfolio, link that in your Contact Information section, so long as its related to your preferred job. You are able to also see Resume Templates. Hiring managers will be elated to learn you dont require extra training. Employers want t o understand that which you have done before. Career programs are excellent for practically any career. The Ultimate Cv Resume Example Trick The audio CV example can help you figure out how to showcase your musicianship and associated skills to impress the folks responsible for hiring and indicate youre a strong candidate. When sending the cv resume writing youll want to tackle the very best person accountable for the selection. You cant send the precise same cv resume writing to several company for assorted job.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Are Jeans Business Casual For Women One Of Lifes Mysteries Revealed (with photos) bit.ly/2qV8fkL We need gender neutral dress codes in the workplace. If you dont yet agree with that statement, look no farther than a 55-page presentation given to women executives at Ernst Young in a June 2018 training. pThe presentation, which made headlines last month when an offended participant a href=https//www.huffpost.com/entry/women-ernst-young-how-to-dress-act-around-men_n_5da721eee4b002e33e78606a target=_blankleaked it to the Huffington deutsche post dhl/a, reinforced gendered stereofonts of how women should dress and present themselves at work. Some highlights, which are actually lowlights in terms of equality in the workforce/pul class=ee-ul ee-ulliA list of appearance blunders for women to avoid, including no-nos like too-short skirts, plunging necklines, bottle blonde, flashy jewelry/liliOutfit and grooming suggestions to minimize distractions from your skills sic set like good haircut, manicured nails, and well-cut attire/liliAdvice on how to dress dont flaunt your body sexuality scrambles the mind/li/ulpThe women, there to invest in their professional development, were bedrngnis learning how to be better leaders or combat sexist stereotypes at work, but instead were being lectured to about what to wear and how to groom themselves./ppWhile the presentation welchesnt the official EampY dress code, it does highlight bias and assumptions made around gender that women have to manage. And this particular training focused only on the male-female binary. Employees who identify as transgender or nonbinary might feel even more burdened by dress code policies based on gender. /ppImagine how much more productive all employees, regardless of gender, could be, if they werent focused on avoiding dress code policing./ppTraditional gender-based dress codes can also discriminate on the basis of race. Many grooming guidelines for women, including rules o n acceptable haircuts, are extra burdens for black employees, particularly those who want to wear their hair in natural styles. a href=https//daily.jstor.org/how-natural-black-hair-at-work-became-a-civil-rights-issue/ target=_blankIn 2010, Chastity Jones got a job offer/a to be a customer service representative from Catastrophe Management Solutionsbut the offer was contingent on her cutting off her locs. When she refused, the company took back the job offer, and when she sued, with the help of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, she lost her case in 2013 and again in 2016, when her appeal was dismissed. /ppAnd beyond forcing women of color to maintain their hair in a way thats deemed acceptable, gender-based dress codes can also discriminate against people of certain religions. Employees whose faiths keep them from cutting their hair or necessitate that they wear certain clothing (including head coverings) shouldnt be forced to adapt their beliefs to what their employer dee ms professionally appropriate for a woman at work./ppThe possibility for gender-, race-, and faith-based discrimination posed by prescriptive employee dress codes has a href=https//www.hrc.org/resources/workplace-dress-codes-and-transgender-employees target=_blankled the Human Rights Campaign to recommend/a that if an employer has a dress code, it should modify it to avoid gender stereotypes and enforce it consistently. Requiring men to wear suits and women to wear skirts or dresses, while legal, is based on gender stereotypes. Alternatively, codes that require attire professionally appropriate to the office or unit in which an employee works are gender-neutral./ph3Okay, So Gender Neutral Dress Codes Sound Good. What Do They Look Like?/h3pIn their simplest (which, in my opinion, also means best) form, gender neutral dress codes at the workplace can take the form of General Motors dress policy. When now-CEO Mary Barra was VP of global human resources for the automotive giant, a href= https//qz.com/work/1242801/gms-dress-code-is-only-two-words/ target=_blankshe replaced their 10-page dress code with two words/a Dress appropriately. /ppIn the article linked above, the author explains why Barras dress code works so well She avoided assumptions, instead choosing to trust her employees judgment, which in turn empowered all employees and was particularly impactful for women. /ppFor workplaces that need more specificity about what employees can wear, HR should follow in the footsteps of other institutions that have successfully adopted gender-neutral dress codes. Namely, high schools./ppAfter a wave of protests, social media outrage, and thoughtful advocating, a href=https//www.dispatch.com/news/20180919/more-schools-revamping-sexist-dress-codes target=_blankseveral schools have revamped their dress codes/a, which tended to put undue burden on female students. New guidelines apply to all students, regardless of their gender. Instead of specifying the length of skirts v ersus shorts or the width of a cami strap versus a tank top, a href=https//www.usatoday.com/story/life/parenting/2019/07/15/gender-neutral-dress-code-gets-approval-roanoke-virginia-school-district/1734009001/ target=_blanka Virginia high schools new gender-neutral dress code/a simply defines what must be covered clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to approximately three to four inches in length to the upper thighs./ppstrongWhat does that look like at work?/strong /ppSpell out specific dress code rules by article of clothing, not by gender, use non-gendered pronouns, and make sure that any grooming guidelines could apply to anyone. Dont place burdens on anyone based on their gender, and try to empower employees to manage their own appearance in accordance with professional expectations./ppFor business casual workplaces, try this, a href=https//www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2018/09/28/gender-based-dress-codes-human-resources-di versity-and-legal-impact/355d9f064f53 target=_blankadapted from Forbes/a Employees should dress in business casual attire, which could include casual slacks and skirts, collared shirts, blouses, or sweaters. Inappropriate attire includes sportswear, jeans, and unkempt clothing, among other options. Please exercise good judgment./ppFor business formal workplaces, you could use the following Traditional business attire, including dresses, suits, and pantsuits, is required for external meetings with clients or prospects. Employees should use discretion on other occasions and are expected to demonstrate good judgment. /ppAnd for casual workplaces, which are on the risea href=http//blog.indeed.com/2019/08/20/casual-dress-in-workplace/ target=_blankaccording to Indeed/a, 50% of companies allow employees to dress casually every day, as of 2019go with something simple, like this, a href=https//www.thebalancecareers.com/simple-sample-dress-codes-for-business-attire-1917931 target=_blankadapt ed from The Balance/a Dress comfortably for work, but please do not wear anything that could offend your coworkers or make them feel uncomfortable. That includes clothing with profanity, hate speech, or exclusionary language. Your clothing, while casual, should show common sense and professionalism./ppNo matter the level of formality your dress code needs to define, make sure youre thinking from the perspective of all employeescurrent as well as futureand creating an environment where they can thrive./pp----/ppstrongWant to share these tips with your company? /strongShow them this handy one-page guide on creating a gender neutral dress code/p p class=shortcode-media shortcode-media-rebelmouse-image img alt=Gender Neutral Dress Code Guide class=rm-shortcode data-rm-shortcode-id=UGVL4K1574631551 data-rm-shortcode-name=rebelmouse-image data-runner-src=https//assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8yMjEwMDE3Ni9vc mlnaW4uanBnIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTU3NDc2NjEyMX0.5akget5uOA_9aHMcPUxY1YM_Zn2w2Yhcj7m_HSCqg7I/img.jpg?width=980 id=a14b6 type=lazy-image/ /ppbr//p